
Showing posts from June, 2019

data analytics the future of IT

Hadoop2_hdfs_setup: create the scenario i)  create a fully managed multi node cluster of hadoop2 ii)  jdk8 or later you can use iii)  there will be  one namenode  and 10 datanodes iv)  create all this by using only one ec2 instances v)  all nodes must be running  in containers only under ec2 instance vi)  container must be running automatically even after reboot or instances

aws cloud the virtual resource provider

ec2_ scenario_1:- design this architecture in aws cloud platform: i)  launch 2 ec2 instances with 512MB Ram and 1 core cpu  ii)  Use AMI as rhel 8 iii)  host a php based website in apache server  iv)  allow only these protocol in ec2  ssh , http , https v)  website in ec2 instances must be accessed via ELB  vi) make sure you can not open website by writing ip address or public dns of ec2   Note:   you can create any sample page of  php language    ec2_scenario_2:- Design the above task by writing ansible playbook ec2_scenario_3:- design the same scenario by writing code in python 3  Note:   you can use boto3  module 

AI the Super Future

Design your career as per Industry 4.0  pynumber: 1 create 2D numpy  based array with given conditions: i)   take input from user in terms of dimension like (3x2 or 6x7) ii)   fill this numpy array with random number iii)  store this array in a file pynumber: 2 create a numpy array of  8x2 as having number  in each cell between 100 and 200 such that difference between each element is 5  data_visualization: 1 visualize data graphs  i)  take input from  a file where you have 4 rows and 5 columns ii)  columns having - student_name , marks , age , contact , study_hours iii)  visualize this data as pie chart iv)  file name must  student.csv with all column separated by ',' data_visualization: 2: plot  graphs given below in python3 with following data i) calculate the internet speed from any web site you want ii)  graph the result as guage graph iii) it must move ...

python3 challanges

#  Post your solution  URL Here # Problem 1 :  Create a program that asks the user to enter their name and their age.  Print out a message that will tell them the year that they will turn 95 years old. Problem 2 :  write a code using  that will take user input from and search on google and store top 10 url in the list. conditions :      i )   URL must be stored permanently as well     ii)   user can give input using keyboard and  voice both Problem 3 :    take a list say  adhoc=[1,2,3,1,4,5,66,22,2,6,0,9] write the program that will do   i)  print only those numbers greater than 5   ii)  also print those numbers those are less than or  equals to 2  ( <= 2 )   iii)  store these answers in in two different list also Problem 4:   take all input from user . i)  check that all character are string ii)  ...